2020 Audie Murphy Special Event Review

The Audie Murphy Special Event was a success! On May 30, 2020, spanning 3 bands with single-side band, we were able to give recognition in our own way to this American Hero. There were 151 contacts covering 29 states, Canada, and even a maritime mobile station. Many contacts were thankful and familiar with Audie Murphy and his contribution to America as the most decorated soldier from World War II. All contacts were made from field conditions near the site of Audie Murphy memorial.

Coordinating operator AI4RC set up the event and made all the arrangements, as well worked with the ARRL to use the special callsign W2A for May 30th. Other operators included WD4JIX, KN4QMN, K4HZ, KE4RGY, W4XXV, and a visit from W3WEQ.

More information about Audie Murphy on our special event station page here.

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