2021 ARRL Field Day was fun, even with the protections taken to provide for a safer environment combating COVID-19.
Getting Ready for Special Event
I bought this 10’x10′ Cover Pro Shed at Harbor Freight to use at Audie Murphy Special Event. The canopy went together fairly easy. It took Mike and me about an hour but could be done quicker now that we have experience. It seems sturdy enough.I like having the four walls in case of bad weather. […]
Just Flexin’

Blings ‘n’ Things for March 2021 Here are some pictures of submitted pictures and descriptions from club members wanting to share. All in alphabetic order according to call sign. From AI4RC 01 – On the left is an Yaesu FT 450, MFJ 4225 power supply, MFJ IntelliTuner , Tigertronics Signal Link, Bencher By -1 iambic […]
- Contesting
- ...
Results for 2020 – The Year We Make Contact
This page will be updated with running tallies of contest entries, so check back each month! Remember the scores are added per the following: Contacts = 1 pointUnique Contacts (for year) = +5 points eachNew Mode/Band Combo (for year) = +100 points each Winners! Grand Prize Winner James, KN4MKX with 2,187 contacts and 14,112 points! […]
The Evil Foxhunt 2020

(This is also available in the ARRL Virginia Section Newsletter for December of 2020)Amid all the protections and social distancing of 2020, I have struggled to think of things that we can do for social gatherings and fun, but still maintain a level of safety for the New River Valley Amateur Radio Club. Activities outdoors […]
Local Beacons
K4RCA/B 1296.240 MHz Grid square EM97we (37.19733 N -80.1527 W) Elevation 3800 ft Located on Poor Mountain behind Roanoke, VA Notes: While not GPS locked, the transmitter frequency is controlled by a high stability ovenized crystal oscillator. The transmit frequency should be within a few 10’s of Hertz of the specified frequency. The transmitter […]
Last Breakfast Picnic Social and Park Fox Hunt for the Year

Saturday, Nov 14th @ 8:30am, Randolph Park, Dublin, VA Another COVID-19 friendly event before the real bad weather starts! Let’s get together again for some fun (at a safe distance). Bring your own breakfast to the small picnic shelter at Randolph Park in Dublin (same place we have the field day activities). Remember, McDonalds and […]
Satellite Ops – Where to Start?

So far, I’ve yet to make a satellite contact using the FM repeaters available. Seems I’m either not fast enough, the repeater is down, or my equipment isn’t right. There’s always SOMETHING that works against me! EDIT: Finally made a contact on Oct 8, 2020 on SO-50! Sample audio in the article below! So, why […]
Breakfast Picnic Social and Park Fox Hunt

This Saturday, Sept 19th @ 8:30am, Randolph Park, Dublin, VA Summer is almost complete, and we haven’t seen each other in a while! What’s the safest activity we can do and still meet up? Well, we seem to like eating, so let’s have a picnic! So, bring your own breakfast to the small picnic shelter […]
Field Day 2020

2020 ARRL Field Day was fun in spite of the protections and changed needed to provide for a safer environment combating COVID-19. Check out our pictures from the event, and click HERE to see our Field Day Summary and information on the contacts made.