The Audie Murphy Special Event was a success! On May 30, 2020, spanning 3 bands with single-side band, we were able to give recognition in our own way to this American Hero. There were 151 contacts covering 29 states, Canada, and even a maritime mobile station. Many contacts were thankful and familiar with Audie Murphy […]
2020 – The Year We Make Contact!

Contest Time! To promote technical proficiency, communication diversity, and functional equipment, the NRVARC will conduct a contest for 2020. The rules are such that anyone with a ham radio license should be able to participate. Any currently licensed radio amateur is encouraged to participate. Monthly awards and a grand prize will be given to NRVARC […]
Repeater Feed Online

As a part of an experiment, we now have a feed available online for anyone wishing to listen in on our repeater traffic. This should allow members to listen in on the nets if they can’t participate, or hear what their audio sounds like on the repeaters. If using this to check your audio keep […]
How Does the J-Pole Work?

J-Pole antennas are one of the true works of electrical engineering that gives us a smaller footprint vertical with no need for a ground plane. But how do these things work? Here is a great presentation from Dr. Ed Fong WB6IQN explaining. Other articles and information on J-Poles available here: The DBJ-1: A VHF-UHF Dual-Band […]
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Simplex Net Files and Information

Area simplex nets are starting to form in the New River Valley. In the interest of gathering information for distribution, this page will serve files from captures of the data when available. File type is a .KMZ file that can be imported or opened by Google Earth. Please check back for additional files. Simplex-Net-2019-10-01 Simplex-Net-2019-09-24 […]
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Simplex Net Test

On September 3rd, there was an informal net communication that went out to the club email list. While this wasn’t an official club activity, I took interest in the information that was gathered and attempted to create a mapping of the contacts. Below is the resulting map image and a link to the Google Earth […]
Field Day 2019

2019 ARRL Field Day was a great time! Check out our pictures from the event, and click HERE to see our Field Day Summary and information on the contacts made.

The NRVARC will be setting up an information/demonstration tent at this year’s Kids Fishing Rodeo at the Izaak Walton League Park in Christiansburg, VA., Sunday May 5th, 2019 from Noon until 5pm. This club outing is organized by KN4OOG (Cindy) and KN4CQV (Bill), so if you would like to help out, please contact them. More […]
History of Digital Modes – Dave Casler KE0OG

Really good introduction to the history of amateur radio digital modes by Dave Casler, KE0OG.
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N4NRV Net – Audio Recordings

If time and circumstances permit, we will be posting recordings of our Nets for the purpose of training and helping radio operators hear their own station as re-broadcast from the Cloyd’s Mountain repeater.