On the Workbench

Welcome to this new series for our website. This is a space reserved for collecting information related to workbench activities. This will include repairs, kit and scratch builds, test equipment, and general guidance for tangential topics. If you have something you would like to share, let us know what you would like to share on our contact us page.


2022 Winter Build Project

11/28/2022 Sign-ups are now closed. This year we will concentrate on a unique and fun build. The Ozark Patrol is …

Starting With Arduino

Supplemental ideas that could work with the 2021 Winter Build Project! If you haven’t heard of the Arduino, where have …
multimeter test jig

Quick Multimeter Test Jig

Recently I had the need to test a handful of through hole resistors. I’ve had this need before when going …

Kit Building Resources

Here are some resources to learn the basics of soldering, tool use, and building of electronic kits. This is a …

2021 Winter Build Project

Updated 12/18/2021 There has been some recent interest in kit building within the ranks, so I’ve created a course that …

Building Superheterodyne Receivers 101 with Chuck Adams, K7QO

Soldering iron calling your name? Here’s an excellent YouTube series from Chuck Adams, K7QO that shows you step-by-step how to construct and …