2021 ARRL Field Day was fun, even with the protections taken to provide for a safer environment combating COVID-19.
The Evil Foxhunt 2020

(This is also available in the ARRL Virginia Section Newsletter for December of 2020)Amid all the protections and social distancing of 2020, I have struggled to think of things that we can do for social gatherings and fun, but still maintain a level of safety for the New River Valley Amateur Radio Club. Activities outdoors […]
Field Day 2020

2020 ARRL Field Day was fun in spite of the protections and changed needed to provide for a safer environment combating COVID-19. Check out our pictures from the event, and click HERE to see our Field Day Summary and information on the contacts made.
2020 Field Day – June 27-28

Field Day is just around the corner – June 27-28, 2020 What a wild year this has been so far. Field Day 2020 is close at hand, and situations are constantly changing. We’ll try to keep our members up to date with the information they need to participate on this page, so check back often.
2020 – The Year We Make Contact!

Contest Time! To promote technical proficiency, communication diversity, and functional equipment, the NRVARC will conduct a contest for 2020. The rules are such that anyone with a ham radio license should be able to participate. Any currently licensed radio amateur is encouraged to participate. Monthly awards and a grand prize will be given to NRVARC […]