11/28/2022 Sign-ups are now closed. This year we will concentrate on a unique and fun build. The Ozark Patrol is a simple regen receiver, designed by David Cripe, NMØS, kitted and sold by the Four State QRP Group. Read more about the kit here.The uniqueness of this kit comes in the form of surface mounting […]
Starting With Arduino

Supplemental ideas that could work with the 2021 Winter Build Project! If you haven’t heard of the Arduino, where have you been?! For those that are wondering, the Arduino is an open-source microcontroller platform that is inexpensive, easy to learn, and very well documented. The Arduino microcontroller comes in many different packages, depending on the […]
Quick Multimeter Test Jig

Recently I had the need to test a handful of through hole resistors. I’ve had this need before when going through drawers of discarded components as well. Being colorblind, it’s not even helpful for me to memorize the color code, so I have to measure them. I’m all about simplification, so simplifying the setup, handling, […]
Kit Building Resources

Here are some resources to learn the basics of soldering, tool use, and building of electronic kits. This is a supplement to the 2021 Winter Build Project, but is a great resource for anyone trying out soldering for the first time! Soldering Adafruit Guide To Excellent Soldering Multimeters and Measurements Electronic Tools Kit Building Kit […]
2021 Winter Build Project

Updated 12/18/2021 There has been some recent interest in kit building within the ranks, so I’ve created a course that I think would be both fun and educational. Sign-up has ended for this session Schedule: Unit 1: Setup, Soldering, and a Dummy Load Saturday November 6, 2021 @ 9:00AM ESTRecording Available Here (click) Unit 2: […]
Building Superheterodyne Receivers 101 with Chuck Adams, K7QO

Soldering iron calling your name? Here’s an excellent YouTube series from Chuck Adams, K7QO that shows you step-by-step how to construct and test the “Universal HF Receiver Kit” from kitsandparts.com. http://www.kitsandparts.com/receiver.php These videos go through each set of components, showing you how to build the kit in steps, and how to test each step along the way. […]
Build and Review – Dual Band J-Pole 144/440Mhz

(Tips added at the end of the article below on 10/26/2019) If you’re like me, you like to save some money. One place that I like to save is by constructing my own antennas. When I was looking to set up my base station at home, I looked through all kinds of designs, and ended […]
Review of the Zeny 853D – Solder and Hot Air Rework Station

Great Value/3-in-1 Solder Station First, a Safety Caution!! The included cable with my unit was wired incorrectly for North America, and could result in the unit being powered despite being turned off, or the fuse being blown. This could result in exposure to electrical shock! Recommend checking your cable against the included images, and replacing […]
Circuit Board Holder Review

“Call the spouse in here, I need a third hand!” This is probably not the best idea when dealing with hot molten solder and funny smelling smoke, but it may be necessary to get those components soldered on for the newest ham radio kit you’ve acquired. May I suggest that you may have a steadier […]
Component References and Charts

A collection of component references and charts to help amateur radio operators and builders access information they may need.